3 Ways to Get Engaged

So you’ve met the person of your dreams and have decided to propose. In heterosexual relationships, most people still expect the man to propose to the woman instead of the other way around, but there’s no rule that says things must unfold that way. If you’re in a non-heterosexual relationship, then the rules are less defined. Either way, you should feel free to do what feels natural for you as a couple. Here are three great ways to propose marriage to the person you love.

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New to Vaping? 3 Tips to Get You Started

If you’ve recently started vaping, it’s natural that you might be a little overwhelmed. While vaping is definitely a healthier alternative to smoking, it’s also got a bit of a learning curve. Don’t let it discourage you, though. If you give vaping time (and do a bit of research) you won’t be disappointed. For the vaping initiate, here are some helpful tips to get you started.

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