Losing weight after pregnancy can be a little hard. Too much work to do and to take care of your baby too can be a hectic job and while doing all these jobs you may neglect yourself and end up gaining loads of weight. You may start a diet or may think that doing all those household works may help you lose weight but NO, they don’t. So here are few weight loss tips for moms after pregnancy.

Weight Loss Tips for Moms after Pregnancy

1) Keep Record of our Diet

One of the best weight loss tips for moms after pregnancy is to make sure you keep a record of all the calories you intake everyday like if you are going for a dinner then you may plan out your lunch and breakfast accordingly. Moreover it is best that if you take a heavy breakfast followed by a low intake of lunch and dinner.

2) Vegetables and Fruits

Healthy food including veggies and fruits in your plate is the best weight loss tips for moms after pregnancy. They won’t only help you lose weight but will also keep you protected against certain types of cancer. Diet rich in foods containing fiber, such as some vegetables and fruits, may reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity.

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11 Inspiring Shipping Container Home Designs

Container Guest House, San Antonio, TX

Though it would make for an ideal tiny home, this Container Guest House in a San Antonio, Texas backyard functions as the perfect accomodation for visitors. As is the norm with container homes, environmentally friendly practices were top-of-mind, explaining why Poteet Architectskept its original blue color, along with the exterior text. There are plenty of other green features as well. The addition of a floor-to-ceiling window adds natural light, while sliding doors provide plenty of fresh air. The roof garden is watered by grey water (runoff water from the sink and shower). The bathroom contains a composting toilet, and recycled soda bottles are part of the deck’s building materials. If that’s not enough, the exterior light fixtures are local tractor blades, and the foundation consists of — you’d never guess — recycled telephone poles.

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14 Running Accessories I Swear By During Marathon Training

One of the greatest things about running is that all you really need is a pair of sneakers. If you’ve never run before, you don’t need to make a huge investment to get started. The one thing I didn’t realize until I started training for a marathon, though, is that when you start training to run longer distances (a half marathon, full marathon, or even an ultramarathon), you end up actually needing a lot of stuff. Water bottles, snacks, and Body Glide are just the beginning.

I’ve finished countless 5Ks and five half marathons, so when I started training for my first marathon (the New York City Marathon on November 5!) I thought I was all set gear-wise. When training for shorter races, I normally just grab an armband for my phone and hit the road. But once my weekly long runs started to creep above 10 miles, I realized I needed to keep water and snacks with me to fuel properly throughout.

It wasn’t as easy as simply hitting up my local running store and grabbing whatever was on sale. Eating something new on race day can seriously cramp your style (and your stomach), so it was important to do some trial and error to find the right on-the-go fuel that agreed with my body. I had to test out what food would work for me on race day (so I wasn’t just winging it the day of) and then I had to drink water with the highly concentrated (read: sugary) snacks or else my stomach would totally cramp up. While I tried to keep all my runs near locations with water fountains, I couldn’t always predict that—or worse, the fountains I relied on would often be broken.

Then I started to test what apparel I was going to run in. What worked for me on shorter distances wouldn’t necessarily carry me 10-plus miles without chafing. (After learning this the hard way, I also made sure to get some Body Glide.) Add in any inclement weather or nighttime runs, and all of a sudden I found myself with a drawer full of gear.

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