Amazon Ready to Launch Second Generation Fire Phone in 2016

Putting behind the poor performance and cold reception of their first ever smartphone, Amazon has announced the launch of the second generation Fire Phone that will be released in 2016. The company is certainly aware of the issues that they faced with the first generation Fire Phone and they are working on how they can improve the features and comeback in the market. The reports also claim that Amazon has gone back to the drawing board to ensure that they improve on the mistakes that they made and get more from the feedback and critical comments they have received.

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Real Miami Vice Car Goes on Sale for $1.75 Million

Iconic cars certainly have their own influence on our minds and we generally associate certain cars to certain top hit movies and TV series from the past. Miami Vice is arguably the most popular American crime drama TV series that showcased the new wave of culture and music in North America. Throughout the five seasons, this TV series showcased many muscle and sports cars, but it was Ferrari Testarossa that made a long lasting impression on the mind of the viewers.

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Which Cars Will Save You Money?

In the market for a new car? You’ve probably heard of hybrid cars – vehicles that combine a traditional internal combustion engine with one or more electric motors to get you from A to B. Manufacturers claim hybrid vehicles will not only help the planet, but also save you money in the long run. However, these hybrids often carry a premium on the initial purchase price. This is where Ford’s EcoBoost technology comes in.

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Top 5 Car Gadgets You Should Have

Many of us love cars and we think about ours almost as it was a human being. We care for it; we maintain it and buy all kinds of accessories from a dealer or online platform like Newfrog automotive accessories to make the whole car experience even more unique. Gadgets are among those but which are the ones that can actually offer practical qualities in addition of just being cool? Which are the ones that can offer us additional safety?

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Why to use digital multimeter?

Digital multimeter is regarded as the best multimeter for electronics and this is the reason it has the highest popularity on the market these days. These kinds of multimeters are quite improved in technology and come with sophisticated designs. They are automatic in nature and thus the concerned task can be completed easily and conveniently within a short period of time. The digital multimeter is of different kinds out of which you need to choose the most convenient and reliable one that works best for you.

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4 Solutions for a Sliding Door

Creating a beautiful home by using different and stylish layouts is not such an uncommon concept in today’s life. People of all ages enjoy unique interior of the house by giving them different and unconventional look. A diverse look not only makes the households happy but also gives a peaceful and cheerful ambience. Sliding doors are one such unique home decor that can be used to give a special look to the home.

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